Práce v zahraničí – nabídky neziskových organizací

Looking for waiters – Oxford


Hi there, we are looking for staff for our busy restaurants in Oxford, England. If you would like to live in this beautiful town, have any experience as a waiter/barman/chef and have a reasonable level of English, please send your CV and we can arrange a skype interview. Thanks Vera

Zkušenosti čtenářů

Nikol Mahútová

We found your advert on the website, where you are looking for waiters.
We would like to get a summer job in foreign. We can stay longer of course.
Something about us …
We are young couple from Czech Republic. My name is Nikol Mahútová and he is Vít Šamalík. We are twenty years old.
We have finished our high school in Boskovice and language school in Brno.
We like traveling, adventure …
You can found our CV in attachment.
We believe that you will give us some feedback

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