Práce/pomoc v zahraničí

Challenges, traveling, and helping the other people in Norway/Africa/India

Yanyu Li

In cooperation with the organization ‘Humana People to People’, Den Rensende Hogskole (DRH Norway) presents a 14 month Development Instructor program with the following headlines:

6 months preparation period in Norway
6 months project period in Africa/India
2 months evaluation and presentations in Europe

You will have opportunities to work in Africa/India under following lines:
-Work with street children
-Water and Sanitation
-Teacher training
-HIV/AIDS prevention
-Child Aid
-Farmers Club

The program is open to anyone, who is citizen of European Union countries, has passed 17,5 years of age, willing and prepared to take the challenge. There’s no specific academic requirement. The enrollment fee is 3,000NOK (appr. 9,000Kc).

There’re 4 teams start all over the year:
August team – goes to Mozambique or India
November team – goes to Zambia, Mozambique and India
February team – goes to Mozambique, India
May team – goes to Zambia, Mozambique and India

Are you interested in knowing more?

More information and registration: di*******@dr********.org or by phone +4761264444

Organization nr: 971520957 (Norway)

Zkušenosti čtenářů


Money Loundry
Avoid It


máte někdo zkušenost s touto organizací?
už zde inzeruje dlouho, ale nevím, jestli to není podvod anebo jestli tam nejsou nějaké skryté náklady atd.
díky za info


why we shoud pay money if we will do something for others people? we are not partners of this project

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