


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: Ms. Michaela Kofrova, WAFFA coordinator E-mail: mi**************@ad****************.com   Phone: + 420 773 886 323 (GMT + 1)   Address EUROPE: WAFFA, Klub cestovatelu, Masarykovo nabrezi 22, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic ASIA: WAFFA, B1601, International Harbor (GUO JI GANG), No. Wu 2, Dongsanhuan-beilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, PR China (Please, do NOT send any DVDs or other material to us unless you contact us before.)

Starodávný ksour ve městech Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt a Oualata (Ancient ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata)
Je článek u země, ale zároveň není cestopis ani zajímavé místo

Starodávný ksour ve městech Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt a Oualata (Ancient ksour of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Tichitt and Oualata)

region Adrar (Ouadane, Chinguetti); region Tagant (Tichitt); region Hodh Echchargut (Oualata)

Národní park Banc d´Arguin (Banc d´Arguin National Parc)
Je článek u země, ale zároveň není cestopis ani zajímavé místo

Národní park Banc d´Arguin (Banc d´Arguin National Parc)

Nouadhibou a Azefal

Portugalské město Mazagan (El Jadida) (Portuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida))
Je článek u země, ale zároveň není cestopis ani zajímavé místo

Portugalské město Mazagan (El Jadida) (Portuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida))

provincie El Jadida

Medina v Tetouanu (dříve Titawin) (Medina of Tétouan (formerly known as Titawin))
Je článek u země, ale zároveň není cestopis ani zajímavé místo

Medina v Tetouanu (dříve Titawin) (Medina of Tétouan (formerly known as Titawin))

provincie Tetouan

Vyšla nová Karavana

Vyšla nová Karavana

KARAVANA: Právě vyšlo nové číslo studentského časopisu. Tématem je zimní adrenalin. Ke stažení zdarma.

Beseda člena SPA o Masajích

Beseda člena SPA o Masajích

Zvu všechny členy a další zájemce na besedu s našim mladým členem SPA Janem Havlíčkem, který celé letošní léto pobýval v masajské vesnici v Keni. Beseda se koná v pátek 14. října od 18,30 hod. v sídle organizace Wontanara v Tyršově ul. č. 1. Je to blízko nám. I.P. Pavlova (metro C a různé tram. zastávky) směrem Legerova ul.



Are you professional, independent or just amatuer film maker? Would you like to share your adventure film with other people and festivals around the world? Here is a chance for you. This aliance allows you to show your movie to the global audience. You can submit your movie to all member festivals of WAFFA or, of course, you can choose your own selection of festivals, which must be part of this aliance. For the easiest way, firstly send us the information about the movie and we will give you access to our FTP where you will be able to upload it. What’s more there is no fee any form. Why to entry your movie: your movie can be show to global audience NO FEE  in any form connect other adventurers and festivals over the world have your movie on FTP – no problems with sending DVD anymore



FILM MAKERS Filmmaker from any country may enter his/her film. Film can be of any duration and form. Each film maker has right to select festivals which he prefers to provide them his/her film. GRANT OF RIGHTS The Entrant hereby grants The World Adventure Film Festivals Alliance the rights to use the film as outlined in this entry form. The World Adventure Film Festivals Alliance hereby grants the Entrant to not distribute, copy or provide his/ her films to the third person, except festivals of WAFFA, without the express permission of the Entrant. By entering the film the Entrant presents and warrants: It owns all right, title and interest, including the copyright and all intellectual property rights, in and to the film being submitted to the WAFFA and has the right to distribute, exhibit and promote the film in or through all media formats now known or hereafter devised, including, but not limited to, the Internet throughout the globe. All music licences have been obtained and all payments have been made that are required for the public performance of the music incorporated in the film. No material in the film being submitted by the Entrant to the WAFFA is libellous or is slanderous or defamatory or violates any right of privacy or publicity of any person, and the full use of the rights in such film will not violate any rights, including copyright or moral rights, of any person, firm or corporation.   TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF FILMS film will be uploaded as data via FTP HD 720p (minimal 1280x720p), 16:9 bit rate minimal 10.000kbps formats: wmv, mpeg2, mov, h264 language: original, transcript with time code in English FESTIVALS ASSOCIATED IN WAFFA Each festival must always inform us about using the film within his festival. All entries give the rights to festivals of WAFFA to show it only within the festival. If you want to stop be a member of WAFFA anytime, of course, you have the rights and we will delete you.

Když haluk okusíš, Súdán neopustíš
Cestopisy a reportáže

Když haluk okusíš, Súdán neopustíš

Súdán byl před krátkou dobou ještě největší, ale také nejobávanější zemí Afriky. Střetávají se zde dva světy – arabský a černý. Jaký je ale běžný život schovaný pod rouškou fanatismu a násilí?